Monday 20 June 2016

My Mihi

Tena Koutou Katoa                     (greetings)
Naumai; haere mai piki mai
Ko Harry williams toku ingoa        (my name is)
No Mawhera Ahau          (I am from Greymouth)
Ko Aoraki te maunga                          (the mountain is)
Ko Mawhera te awa                                    (the river is)
Tena koutou Katoa                                       (greetings)
Ko Jon Jeet toku matua        (my father is)
Ko Hayley Williams toku whaea     (my mother is)
I te tahi o toku whaea                  (on my mother's side)
Ko Christine Mehrtens toku kuia         (_is my grandmother)
Ko Adrian Van dorp toku koroua      (_is my grandfather)
I te tahi o toku matua                     (on my father's side)
Ko  Joon Jeet toku kuia       (_is my grandmother)
Ko Rich toku koroua   (_is my grandfather)
huaina toku kuri te  Drifter             (my dog is called Drifter)
huaina toku negeru te Felix         (my cat is called Felix)
No reira
Tena Koutou
Tena Koutou
Tena Koutou katoa                        (greetings to you all)


  1. Hi Harry,I like your Mihi and the way you wrote it in maori and translate it in English.Next time try to use something else like a slideshow and you don't need to repeat the greeting because you already said greeting in the first time.

  2. Kia ora Harry, This is a really good mihi, I like how you put the Maori version and the English version


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