Tuesday 6 September 2016

For social studies we studied father's day. Father's day is a day to celebrate one of the parents of your family your dad or if you don't have a dad you could celebrate your mum instead.The pictures under these words are pictures that I am going to give to my dad a picture of the booklet I made, it's full of things about my dad.


  1. Hey Harry,I thought that this looked cool. I loved the idea of creating a booklet for your dad, I hope he liked it. What did your dad say when he got this?

    1. sorry to tell you but I forgot what he said but i'll ask him and get back to you.Thanks you are my 1st or 2nd commenter

    2. sorry to tell you but I forgot what he said but i'll ask him and get back to you.Thanks you are my 1st or 2nd commenter


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