Monday 13 February 2017

Harrys Memoirs

One day I was on a trip with my nana It was about 2009 In October at some time.We went to a house and but I didn't want to move or get out of the car for some reason just felt I just didn't know why I didn't like getting out of the car at my nana's friends house as long as I know them.

My nana said come on jump out I was thinking and was so scared I didn't want to but I did then I seen a little shed and the shed it was full of carving things for Green Stone the I seen a big green stone.There house was massive compared to me by the age I am now I could be able to touch the top.

There were no kids just my dad I didn't know him at the time my nana said for me to go to him I thought ok he put his hand out and bring me closer to him. Why he did that I love him for doing it  what he gave me he gave me my most loved object a green stone necklaces it even had my name carved in the back of it I don't remember what I said but I know I loved his gift.

So then we left got in the car and went home when we got home my mum asked me this one question that I made a mistake about for some reason I said not now but she said (do you want to know who your dad is).Then she told me that my greenstone was from him.

What I learnt was that family are everywhere and they will all way help you.This is a memoirs written by  Harry Williams

1 comment:

  1. hi its Tyler again you have done a good job on your trip story I will get back to you as soon as I can


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