Friday 24 February 2017

I Am Lucky to be New Zealander

I have been fortunate to be a New Zealander me because there isn’t a lot of crime, and there are much easier to get to school. People in some different countries may have to walk in the mountains in the snow on a broken bridge and in the river with buckets and other things like that to get to school I love school.

I love to be a New Zealander because there isn’t too many crimes.Dont get me wrong there are still crimes around but crimes don't usually happen around nz.Ok so not we talk about terrorists we don't have people bombing us flying planes into us and there isn’t people kidnapping,killing and schools are still Here we just don't have terrorists at the moment and we hope we never get them.

I love to be a New Zealander because it's a good place for people because there isn’t too much pollution not as much as other countries like certain places in china (Take down the pollution).In nz the pollution isn’t that bad there isn’t too much Rubbish in New Zealand there is a lot but not loads.

I love to be a New Zealander because most of my family is here My brother is my dad and my mum it's a good place for everyone to live.I live at (beeeeeeeeep) just kidding not going to tell you where I live.LOL!!!!!!!



  1. hi my name is Tyler from Gilberthrope school your story is good just the part when you say your brother is your dad that dosen't make that much sense

  2. Hello im Noah you need to fix so not talking about tourists THAT DOES NOT SOUND RIGHT FIX IT it is also a good blog and I like that you did not tell us where you live thats all Bye


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