Monday 17 December 2018

New Zealand Fun Facts

Image result for newzealand

New Zealand  the first major nation to have universal suffrage. In 1893 all male and females were legally allowed to vote.

The Auckland Sky Tower is the tallest freestanding building in the Southern Hemisphere at 328 meters high.

New Zealanders love cars with more than half there population has cars making them one of the countries to have the highest car ownership rate in the world.

where I gathered this info:Fun facts about New Zealand

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Shantytown Letter

This Is A Card For Shantytown And Its Helpers

Monday 26 March 2018

Harry's Metaphors

Harry is a mountain has its downsides but always has an up side

Harry is a mystery box you can see what's on the outside but what’s inside is unpredictable

Harry is a book you can see the cover but to truly understand you need to flip thru the pages to understand

Harry is a tamed lion scary on the outside and nice on the inside